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Aug. 8, 2020

Afraid of Contacting Your Pet on the Other Side

Afraid of Contacting Your Pet on the Other Side

Hey Rover, come on over!

Episode 25 is one of a kind, but one that touches many of us: communicating with pets who have passed over. Do pets go to Heaven? Will they meet us when we pass? What signs do they give us to let us know they are near? Are cats smarter and more spiritual than dogs? Can wild animals be contacted, or just domestic pets?

Yes, there's a book on that! In fact, there are soon to be three. Author/Paranormal Investigator/Medium Rob Gutro clues you in ... and does a pet reading with uncanny accuracy for an Indiana University fraternity brother of host Bob Heske. Meteorologist by day and pet whisperer by night, Rob uses the science of energy to explain paranormal experiences -- helping people and pets to find comfort through contact with each other from the Other Side.

Rob's website/blog is here and you can find him on Amazon (and buy his books) here.

You can also message him on Facebook.



  • VIMEO ON DEMAND: Rent the Afraid of Nothing documentary on Vimeo On Demand – and watch two free bonus videos during the 72-hour rental period. Use the promo code “AON20off” and get 20% off the $3.00 rental fee (valid thru 9/30/20). Rent it now:
  • AMAZON PRIME: Watch the documentary on Amazon Prime -- buy or rent, or watch for free if you have a Prime subscription. And please leave a positive review.
  • VIDI SPACE: Visit Vidi Space at and use the promo code (all caps) "I LOVE SPACE" to get 50% off the first year's subscription to watch the Afraid of Nothing documentary and a plethora of other paranormal content you won't find anywhere else.


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Rob GutroProfile Photo

Rob Gutro

Pet Psychic, Paranormal Investigator and Author

In addition to being an author, I'm a scientist and I'm a member of Inspired Ghost Tracking paranormal group where I am a medium on the team. I've become known as a Pet Medium, although I connect with people and pets My books teach others how to recognize signs from people and pets who have passed. (Once you read them you won't need to pay a medium). I write books about my experiences and explain the paranormal in terms of energy.

I write these books to bring understanding and healing to people.

I have made the distinction between a Ghost and Spirit and why it's Important to know, and how they all use energies (physical and emotional) to convey messages. On investigations I sketch out what ghosts look like. I teach people how to protect themselves, why ghosts stay, what ghosts can do, what spirits can do, when spirits of our loved one visit us and all the signs to look for. I explain why ghosts are stuck in one place. I've run into ghosts in many places, including vacations.

One of my big focuses is on PETS. I had a dog that was tragically killed as a puppy and who became the world's best canine communicator. He opened the door for other dogs and cats to give messages for others that I've proven over and over. I give fundraising lectures at animal rescues, and do pet readings.

I've had this gift since I was a teenager, when my grandfather appeared to me 6 months after he passed.